This post is a little out of the ordinary for me, but God has laid it on my heart today so I thought I would share it. In my research for I come across a lot of research about divorce. Much of that...
That Moment Made My Week
Sep 16, 2011 | Children's Ministry
It’s been a busy week – a really busy week. Soccer practice in the rain on Monday, Meeting on Tuesday for a new ministry, Awana Wednesday night, and a starting a new ministry on Thursday all made for an exciting week. On top of that,...
Seeds Family Worship Cookbook
Jul 18, 2011 | Children's Ministry
If you’ve read this blog for a while, it won’t come as any surprise that I am a big fan of Seeds Family Worship. We were honored to be a stop of the release tour of their most current album, and I’ve been a fan for a while...
Help Us Minister to Children of Divorce
Jun 4, 2011 | Children's Ministry
I need your help! I don’t often use this vehicle for personal reasons, but today I am making an exception. I am making an exception because I believe it is of critical and urgent importance to our churches and to our children’s...
Just the Facts – Exploring The Dark Side of Divorce
Apr 1, 2011 | Children's Ministry
Several months back, I started a series on the effect of divorce on kids and what the Bible has to say about divorce. Before we get further into the series, I thought it made sense to step back and look at some of the statistics related...
READ MOREJesus In Every Book of the Bible
Mar 2, 2011 | Children's Ministry
Check out this great YouTube video that our Children’s Ministry Director sent to me of a kid sharing where Jesus is in every book of the Bible. This ought to be how we all read the Bible, and it definitely should be how we teach it...